A Jumpstart Booster from Phyrexia: All Will Be One.
Jumpstart boosters are an innovative product and give you a new and dynamic way of playing. It combines the best aspects of constructed and limited in one product. Take two Jumpstart boosters, shuffle them together into a deck and you're ready for battle!
Each Jumpstart booster contains 20 cards. The 20 cards together form a theme. In Phyrexia: All Will Be One there are five different themes that each have two variations. Each booster always contains at least two rare cards. One specially designed for these Jumpstart Boosters and one from the Phyrexia: All Will Be One set with the chance of a mythic rare upgrade. Lands are included in the boosters so you don't need anything else to start playing. These boosters are ideal for mixing with other Jumpstart sets, making the combinations and replayability endless!
A Jumpstart booster Phyrexia: All Will Be One contains 20 Magic: the Gathering cards of which:
- 2 rares with a chance of a mythic rare.
- 1 rare is always a new card that you cannot find in the regular set of Phyrexia: All Will Be One.
- 2 foil basic lands.
Note: the description is machine translated and might contain errors.